View Profile Mast3rMind
A tired person that likes sour junk food.

Age 37, Male


I Just Work Now

Minnesota (Anoka)

Joined on 4/2/05

Exp Points:
17,420 / 17,760
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8.13 votes
Pvt. First Class
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Chapter One - Ill Fated Timing

Posted by Mast3rMind - December 12th, 2008

I was a Police Sergeant in the city of Newgrounds. And had served for four years. I had shot and killed 1,053 horrible members of the .SWF (Shock Wave Familia). But I guess I'm crooked since I saved 409 of the same. I saw the quality in some of them and let them stay amongst the others that people praise daily. I wasn't given a given the B.L.A.M. (Benevolent Lament Assassainating Machine) gun without thought. I rose in the ranks quickly as a lawyer first. By going through page after page of .SWF's entertainment facilities. As people would leave reviews.

A lot of it would either be nonsensical, or indeed a great read. You see, in the town of Newgrounds. The .SWF runs all. So it's best to get on their good side. Even if you knew members of the .MP3 (Musically Predestined (Since) 3) or the .WAV (Wavering Ability Of Virility) none had the ability to take you places. My good friend had asked me once...

ZenGaijin - Why work for the .SWF? That's a hard life man.

Mast3rMind - Simple. Because you can do whatever you want faster than a normal man can.

ZenGaijin - So you're giving up on the .MP3?

Mast3rMind - No one cares about my abilities. Besides...I work best from the shadows.

Throughout all my hard work. I was given a Diety Whistle as a sign of status. A Sai for a weapon for which I've attained last week. A badge to show people the work I've done. As well as a voting power of 7.59 votes. I don't know why I have it. It's not as if there are elections of great power since Tom Fulp appears the be the figure head. I call him a figure head since he's nothing but a face like the Emperor of Japan or the Queen of England. His older brother runs Newgrounds.

A tight fisted Conservative is what he is. Even though his policies are quite Socialistic, but with the effect of a lottery of who'd get food stamps this month. A $100 dollars is child's play. But I guess you can call me hater since I've never won the lottery. Ted Stevens was right when he said that the internet was a series of tubes. The Fulp Brothers were the first to take advantage of this fact and bought some from Al Gore.

Since then they've had a Portal up. And it's been there since 95. There was a rumor that said that this town was called Ungrounded at one point. But I don't care much about it. Every bit of idle chatter could be found down the street in the BBS (Building of Boderline Socials). These are troubling times as the world continues to turn. There have been many failed attempts of creating towns like this, let alone a solid BBS. Take it from someone who lost Dramon due to the fact that I couldn't pay for it's domain.

I don't run the BBS. Nor do I want to. The people I do are called MODS (Moderately On Days Seriously). They show up when they please and clean up the place as indentured servants. Anyone can become one. Ozcar mowed my lawn one day, then had more power than me the next. Crazy, huh? I haven't become involved in this town in quite some time and have somewhat become a ghost.

Nearly everyone I was cool with is gone now, and most of the topics these people are talking about, I can't get into. But lately I've noticed an unrest. A stir in the atmosphere. The massive feel of stupidity and puberty have faded. The town had gotten silent as I haven't heard the idiots scream COCK JOKE or TLDR. It was eerily peaceful those days.

One of my hidden abilities is the power of precognition. I know when something is going to happen. Whether it be good, bad or in between. What I had been feeling earlier hit all three. And the problem with this ability is the fact that it is an annoying one to have. It's like you have someone screaming in your ear...


You think to yourself for a second. And respond with...


You wait and only get a quiet answer you formed for yourself that sounds like...

don't know. just wait until it happens. at least you know something is going to happen. feel better?

That's what it feels like to have that ability and that is how I felt for the longest time. It had been a long while since I had paid my friends both distant and mutual a visit so I decided to tread into town after being gone for some time. I called them up and told them to meet me at the place no one goes anymore. That place would be the NG MAG (Massively Asinine Gaiety) Building. Inside the abandoned building would be Sarai, Dangan, and BBM waiting for me. I opened the door and was greeted heavily...

Sarai ran up and hugged me. I was puzzled, but remembered that it had been a long time since we've talked...

Sarai - Mast3rMind! How have you been?! I've missed you so much!

Dangan and BBM decided to play it cool and wave while simply saying what every guy does as a way of getting attention.

Dangan/BBM - Hey, sup?

I waved back as if it was an auto response and had said to them...

Mast3rMind - Well, I've been laid off as of two months ago. I would've been called a Vagrant in this town, but my blackness wouldn't allow me to be whiter other than the tone of my voice.

Sarai/Dangan/BBM - Ha ha ha!

In unison they broke out in laughter but slowly remembered that behind my dry wit, I'm always incredibly serious.

Dangan - Damn mate. You have it as bad as we do, huh?

Mast3rMind - Yep. But I'll eventually get some more capital in my pockets. I got hustle in my blood.

BBM - Well, perhaps things will eventually get better, right?

Sarai - Now now. Don't go jinxing everyone dearie.

Mast3rMind - Ha ha ha!

Dangan - Come on now. It's not as if we have someone playing God, carefully planning what happens to us next?

BBM - That would be messed up if God was person that picked on random people writing down something along the lines of "This is what happened next to so and so."

Sarai - Ha ha ha! It's never dull with you three around.

The four of them caught up with their lives well into the middle of the night. Little did they know that what would befall them would determine their every thought. As well as determine their own insecurities. Yet amongst all previously listed the one above all is TRUST.

Stay tuned for the next chapter


It was pretty good so far.

I liked the author humor too, with the whole "not like someone's playing God"