View Profile Mast3rMind
A tired person that likes sour junk food.

Age 37, Male


I Just Work Now

Minnesota (Anoka)

Joined on 4/2/05

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Chapter Five - A Welcomed Calm Before The Storm

Posted by Mast3rMind - December 17th, 2008

The ride was incredibly smooth as if we were all being carried. I've felt like this before, and it is a natural high. Fatigue and pain eased through us like the breeze in trees. As our minds in unison were fading slowly like Jeans washed too many times or the Sun when it slowly introduces a Hemisphere to darkness.

"I can't rest just yet." I think to myself. So I decided to make some small talk to get the Sandman vexed enough to leave me be.

Mast3rMind - How long have you been in Newgrounds?

Leroy - Since August 26th, 2005.

Mast3rMind - Ah. I see. I've been around slightly longer then.

Leroy - Yeah. What's kept you here?

Mast3rMind - Why you ask?

Leroy - A lot of people that moved here even before the time you we showed up are leaving like crazy. I thought you would've been one of the few that would make that move.

Mast3rMind - Several times I've thought about leaving. But sometimes I think one of my old friends might be around. The one thing that made this place great was the people I was able to relate to. Only a few remain. So when they're all gone, so am I. But for about a year I've been in the shadows. Ghosting for a better term.

Leroy - I see. That does make a lot of sense.

Mast3rMind - Now, what keeps you here?

Leroy - Well...remember when Wade would come down to the BBS and whore out his "OH SNAP" pictures?

Mast3rMind - I remember that. As well as the legion of idiotic fools that made a big deal about it. While hoping that they'd become MODS in the process for giving a damn. What about it?

Leroy - I took stand against it and spoke my word wondering why we should care.

Mast3rMind - Not a smart move. Many just ignore it.

Leroy - Yeah, well because of my actions of I was banished from the BBS for about a week. It didn't bother me much though.

Mast3rMind - Banishment loses it's novelty after the first year. Unless you're pathetic enough to actually think you need to be there, then Wade has actually succeeded in something.

Leroy - Indeed. I thought I was the only one that had that kind of thought scheme.

Mast3rMind - You'd be surprised how many actually think that way then.

Leroy - I bet.

We continued our exchange in words till I noticed a bloody 2X4 with 5 nails sticking out if i. So I had to ask...

Mast3rMind - What's up with the 2X4?

He had then reached into his glove compartment as I began to notice several bandages on his right arm. It had been too dark too tell if the wounds may have been fresh or not. But he had then pulled out a badge and handed it to me. "Scout" was the title on the badge. And it had all made sense. I dodged this job aiming for a higher one and had attained through crooked means...

Leroy - It's not as if I really cared in the end about Wade's "OH SNAP" pictures. A part of me was just fed up on how he was running things. My rank forces me to be the one that hunts down woodland creatures to help the food supply here. It makes me sick man. Three days ago I was in the woods doing some more hunting when a bear had suddenly approached me. I readied my aim took a breath and shot...

Mast3rMind - You killed the bear?

Leroy - I purposely missed. I was frustrated beyond all moral comprehension and threw my rifle to the ground as the bear started advancing towards me. I was tired, so I was willing to give up right there as the bear then had severely clawed me. I blacked out for a short time thinking that I had actually died for a time. But I welcomed it. I can't stand killing anything, or anyone for that matter. I was raised that way.

Mast3rMind - Well, I'm not big on Religion, but I've studied plenty to know some of the most basic ones. For example, your God giving Man control over all animals and whatever under you.

Leroy - Correct, but that doesn't mean that one can easily partake in such a brutal act.

Mast3rMind - It's inevitible.

Leroy - What is?

Mast3rMind - I believe I'm rusty with this term. But I think they call it the "The Goh Of Man" And it states that no matter how you live, and what you do. You'll always kill something even if it is unintentional. What makes you feel the way you do is the sight of blood, gore and so on. Plus the fact that it had a life. So tell me this, do you look down every time you walk somewhere?

Leroy - No, I can't say that I do.

Mast3rMind - There all types of insects down there that you may have killed in the process. But you never thought about them till now, huh?

There was a brief pause...

Leroy - I never thought about it like that.

Mast3rMind - I thought so. So, what happened next after you had blacked out?

Leroy - I heard gunfire as I saw the bear running away from the area. My roommate Scott Carroll showed up called for some paramedics. I blacked out once more to find myself in a hospital. It was then that I had noticed that I had scratch marks from chest to my right arm. To tell you the truth, I'm still feeling some pain from it. But these pain killers seem to do the trick just fine.

Mast3rMind - Makes sense then why you would carry that weapon.

Leroy - It's my secondary, but works just fine. Ah, we're almost here. Brace yourselves for the speed bump.

I looked at Dangan and BBM who were knocked out from the adrenaline high and decided to brace myself instead...


The SUV rocked heavily as it sent both Dangan's and BBM's head colliding into the ceiling of the car.

BBM/Dangan - Bloody hell?!

Mast3rMind - Ha ha ha!

Leroy - Sorry about that. I didn't know that the two of you were asleep back there.

We had arrived at his apartment building. Which had been one of the ghettos of Newgrounds. It was cheap, but at least it came with a roof to put over heads. We piled out of the car carrying our heavy bags up several flights of stairs till we approached Leroy's home. Which was on the 16th floor...


It wasn't long before we were greeted by a skinny kid who looked puzzled by the likes of Leroy's extra company...

Leroy - Worry not Scott. They'll only be here for short while. They got their car stolen while camping out.

Scott - Ok then.

The meeting was short as he went back to playing Call Of Duty World At War.

Leroy - Anything that is in this house, you can help yourself out to.

BBM - Thanks.

Leroy - No problem.

We settled in for the night after a few rounds of Nazi Zombie game play as I laid down thinking...

"Why am I getting these kind people involved? Especially when we don't know if what happened earlier is the end of it? It's reckless and above all asinine."

I thought to myself. But if something should ever happen I'll be prepared to face whatever consequences. If there is a storm approaching...

Mast3rMind - Then this calm is heavily welcomed.

Dangan had then turned over and woke up...

Dangan - Huh, what?

Still in a daze...

Mast3rMind - Nothing. Get some sleep.

Stay tuned for the next chapter on Dangan's page.


Fucking bears...always ruining things...